Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blog 16

As I wrap up my blogging sessions I thought for my last one I would give an all opinionated blog of my viewpoint on reality television. I had fun writing these blogs and sharing information about reality television over the course of the semester, I really hope you enjoyed reading some facts and all the rumors that we are always dying to know about! I also would like to say I enjoyed reading everybody’s blogs; they were all well written and interesting topics.
I’m going to start out with what bugs me the most on reality television shows. I really can’t stand all the reality shows about love and finding love and blah blah blah! You cannot not go on TV and find someone within a month the person you want to be with for the rest of your life, it’s crazy and definitely not plausible but these people somehow like to think that love can only be found on TV. The girls on some of these shows really irk me. Whenever I’m watching a reality show about love, the girls are always bawling telling the cameras how much she loves this guy or even another girl.
I would have to say one of my favorite reality shows would be Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I really enjoy watching this show because there are no fake people involved and it’s for a great cause. Ty and the others are helping families in desperate need of a new home. They get sent on a vacation which normally they can’t afford while the group and families in the neighborhood help redo the entire house. They have 7 days to completely fix up the house. I think I also enjoy watching the show is because the finish product of the houses are incredibly nice, and I have always loved to go to open house and see different house with the interior decorating.
I have a mixture of feelings towards reality TV shows, there are some that are great and there are some that should never be seen again. Hope you all enjoyed this semester!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that some reality t.v. shows should have never been made, then there are ones that are pretty good. They can all be addicting though, even if you are not a fan of them. Sometimes I find myself watching some of the ridiculous shows just to watch how some of the people act on them. I do have my reality shows that I watch, but some I can't believe they even waste money on them.
