Sunday, February 22, 2009

This week I decided to talk about the types of audiences and contestants of reality television shows that can be usually found.
Reality TV is a new development representing the creative side. The part that connects the entertainment and our audience has always shown the business side but reality is taking our people to a new level of entertainment. The types of audiences that are drawn to reality shows are the type that isn’t afraid of change and experimenting with new things.
There are many different types of reality sitcom contestants. The producers of these shows are looking for drama and things that will keep our audience interested. Rather than our producers telling us the types of people that are on the show we are expected to recognize the types that they present and about stereotypes. The reality TV producers are looking for some mixture of racial, ethnicity, sexual and gender diversity. Having these different types of qualities can also help our culture learn about different races and so on. This may be a positive thing about reality TV but may also result in a negative aspect. For an example, if there was a player of a different race doing something terrible then we may reflect our thoughts and feelings towards that race in a negative way because of what we seen on a television show. Also if may help our society not to have stereotypically people, like when we see a small woman doing a contest we automatically think she is weak but she may be the exact opposite. On such shows as the Bachelorette and the Bachelor it may bring woman’s self-confidence down because these handsome men and gorgeous women only go after good looking women and men. Survivor is a good example of expressing different types of ethnic groups and races. We need to be expressing different types of romances and thoughts of physical appearances to our society to show people that it isn’t always the prettiest girl or the most handsome man that are going to succeed in life.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This week I decided to write about a new sitcom that has come out. Sober House premiered on January 15th, 2009 which actually is a spin-off of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. These celebrities have already been involved with seasons 1 and 2 of Celebrity Rehab. There are only two more members of the house that have never been involved, there are 7 members living in the sober living house. Jennifer Gimenez is the house manager and who once was a runway model had been an addict but now has been sober for 2 and half years. Within several weeks their goal is to make a transition to a new improved life without the involvement of drugs. Putting these members in the house is suppose to make them start their live over by having curfews and every day chores, basically starting from the ground up in rebuilding their lives. Dr. Drew will still work with the addicts having one-on-one conversations and group activities. Full episodes of the Sober House are available on the internet.
There are many different celebrities getting into trouble with drugs and alcohol such as Lindsay Lohan, Ben Affleck, Micheal Jackson, Elton John, Nicole Ritchie, Britney Spears, Mel Gibson and Drew Barrymore are only a few of more popular celebrities that have been into rehab for their addictions. It almost seems like there has been more celebrities in rehab than the ones who haven’t. Oh and we can’t remember sweet little Stephanie Tanner from Full House who was having problems with addictions.
I think this show is going to be a wakeup call for many young adults today. By showing the “reality” of being on drugs and how bad the consequences can be by putting your life as risks is critical. From personal experiences I know a lot of friends that do drugs and I don’t think they realize how big of a problem it can end up being, especially not knowing exactly how much drugs you can take before overdosing. By watching this show you can learn so much and hopefully realize that drugs are a problem in our society and I hope that someday soon the drugs can all come to an end.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What actually makes us addicted to reality TV shows exactly? Is it the outrageous way the producers involve love, humor and emotions? We will never truly find out all the dirty deeds that these reality television producers come up with. Why? Well because the “real” in reality wouldn’t mean anything. Once you have signed a document for a reality show you have basically signed your life away. Reality TV shows have many secrets involved with their contest. You may then find yourself wondering how these contestants don’t release these scams the producers have put them through. But that’s simple, if the ex-contestants don’t have about 5 million dollars lying around then they are forced to keep their secrets to themselves.
There are many different secrets that reality TV does not announce about them, some good and others bad. I had found a website that shows a bunch of listed secrets. I will tell you about the ones I found interesting. On the show “Flip this house” one of the second season star, Sam Leccima didn’t even have a real estate license while the show was being filmed it had been taken away for proposing bad business deals. “What Not to Wear” doesn’t actually throw the participants clothes out in the garbage but donates the reasonable clothing to New York Charities. The audiences from Maury are all mostly actors and actresses so when you see someone acting absurd usually they are the “fake” guests.
The background checks involved with reality television could be easily classified as a joke. At one instant a contestant in 2001’s Big Brother had a knife held up to her throat by another cast member. In that case the member that had the knife had previously been arrested for assault and theft charges. The case was later dealt with the court.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just a quick refreshment, I’m blogging about reality television shows which are a humorous or dramatic situations based that are unscripted. I have recently discussed some of my favorite reality TV shows and some of the ones I dislike also I have talked about recent history of sitcoms.
American Idol has been ranked as the most popular reality TV show. I personally don’t mind watching American Idol. I would have to say my favorite episodes would be the first couple where there are the worst singers who seriously believe they are good! I also find it very interesting to see what Simon has to say for many people it is very rare to find Simon happy. I believe that American Idol is ranked most popular show because of the same reason I enjoy it, for the laughs and jokes. American Idol originally started off as just a spinoff of “Pop Idol” which originated in the U.K. which also featured Simon Cowell. This hit show has started many singing careers. American Idol then lead to a spinoff show called “American Juniors”.
Dancing with the stars is rated as the least popular reality television sitcom. Dancing with the stars is a show that pairs a celebrity up with a professional ballroom dancer. The competition is performed in front of an audience as well as the judges. The dancers are critiqued by both the judgers and viewers at home. The couples must perform different types of dances as well as having outrageously magnificent costumes. The show is currently in its seventh season. Celebrities that have been on the show in the past are Lance Bass, Brooke Burke, and Toni Braxton. ABC has full episodes you can watch of Dancing with the Stars. I have never really sat down and watched an episode of Dancing with the Stars but after the rating of popularity I don’t know if I will. It’s amazing how the media can affect simple things such as what we watch on TV.;title;24