Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blog 14

This week I have decided to look at Susan Boyle again. I got some interesting replies to my last post and I thought I would inform you guys with a little more information. From reading the replies from last week’s blog it was amazing how you all said that it was time for people to be non-judgmental towards other people that are maybe not as “pretty” as you. It is very true how if you don’t have the look there is a slim to no chance at all of becoming a star in Hollywood, and as we know every star has had all sorts of surgeries and other cosmetic features.
I was reading a recent news feed of reality TV, when I came across a story on Susan Boyle with the headlines “Scottish singing sensation gets dye job, makeover.” I found that really interesting because the only reason Susan Boyle was such a hit on “Britain’s Got Talent” was simply because of her appearance and how incredible her voice was. The whole story behind Boyle was to prove to people that it’s never all about looks. We can’t judge someone without knowing them. I know when Boyle first appeared on the show fans and even the judges were a little nervous about her singing but she blew them away with her unbelievable voice. I think that by Boyle getting this makeover could affect the way people feel about her, fans and judges. On Friday she appeared on the cover of The Sun tabloid with shaped eyebrows, dyed brown curly locks. The readers of The Sun quoted that is as far as she should go for her appearance change. They also quoted that “we want her to stay one of us, not get hair extensions and a fake tan.” Even the producers are saying that they need to keep her as natural as possible because it could jeopardize the connection Boyle shares with her audience as “being one of them.”
Coming up on May 23rd is the day were the British judges will decided whether Boyle gets to move onto the next round. I guess we will have to see how much the makeover will benefit or affect her negatively. I think by Boyle might even perform better by having a little more self esteem, hopefully this will help her move on in the next round. Hope you guys all enjoyed the post!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the makeover could make or break her. The whole big point of her was that she was an average person and not outstanding with looks, but her talent was more than amazing. I would like to hear what her opinion is on the makeover. I do not think that she should change if it is not what she wants. Be who you are, it's the best way to be and don't let others drag you down to someone you are not.
