Friday, April 10, 2009

This week I decided to talk about teenagers who are exposed to sexual contents on television at young ages. I think this is an extremely important topic to know and understand what is happening in our society today. Unplanned pregnancies and sexual transmitted diseases are mostly common among the teenagers who are already sexually active.
The average teenager watches 3 hours on TV daily. I found in a article that 65% of high school seniors have already had sexual intercourse, this is in reality a very young age especially compared to back in the day when talking about sex was not even an option. The part that I don’t understand is that we expose our young teenagers to shows such as CSI, Family Guy, Simpsons and Secret Life of an American Teenager. Also another thing is that it’s not only about sex in these shows but we have set times on these shows running them at times when these times are considered “family” television time.
During the years from 1999-2000, 68% of television contained sexual content while only a couple of shows showed demonstrated safety during sex. Many teenagers experimenting sex at a young age quote in later years that they wish they would have waited longer. I had found on a website that the younger teenagers try to act more mature. They think by acting older it’s okay for them to experience sexual activities. I found a site that has a list of shows that they believe are suitable and not suitable for young children.
TV is one of the greatest influences on today’s society. It is amazing how much children and young teenagers are picking up from only watching maybe an hour of television a day. I think we need to reexamine the content we are exposing our children and young viewers too. Children’s behaviors are highly affected by their role models, and in this case their role models are considered to be the television shows they are watching. Now what do you think? Do you think that we have too much sexual content too little or just the right amount.


  1. Television definitely has a big effect on teenagers and the way they act today. The numbers and facts are insane for how young teenagers are sexually active. I definitely believe the statistics, because at the high school I went to there were plenty of girls who were pregant. We had at least four pregnant at our graduation ceremony and there were a lot more that had already had kids. The pregnancies don't even speak for how many STD's had been spread around. It truly is sad, and then to be out in public and hear junior high kids talking about it is a little disturbing too.

  2. I do believe with you that sexual content is exposed a lot on television. I can't believe how young children are when they learn about all of this and experience it. Children shouldn't have to be exposed to this. They should just enjoy playing outside and enjoy being young. Teenagers should have the facts about sexually activity, but show them the negatives that could happen as well. Teenagers might get attention for it, but it might be in a negative way.
